“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.”
Key services:
I work one-on-one online with clients, and provide remediation support in the following areas using an array of research-based programs, including the Wilson Reading System, Great Leaps, and the 6 + Traits of Writing, along with evidence-based coaching techniques shown to support the development of the skills needed to succeed in school and life.
Academic skills such as reading fluency and comprehension, written expression, reasoning, and expressive language.
Executive functions skills crucial to learning: self-regulation, self-monitoring and impulse control, goal-orientation, organization, time management, planning and prioritizing, working memory, attention span.
Social and emotional skills that impact learning: emotional resiliency, flexibility/adaptability, handling temperament challenges such as frustration and sensitivities.
Cognitive skills such as attentiveness, active engagement, adaptability, and persistence.
Metacognitive skills including awareness of one’s own learning style and mental processes, ability to evaluate engagement, and determining what success will require for any given project.
Transition planning from adolescence to adulthood, including college and non-college alternatives.