Is Educational Therapy tutoring with a different name?

No. While tutors focus on content and subject matter, educational therapists work to support the mastery of the learning process itself, and focus on building underlying learning, executive function, and social-emotional skills.

How long are sessions and how often do you meet?

Most sessions run 50-60 minutes and the frequency is determined by the needs of the client, but one to three sessions per week is the norm.

For insurance purposes, are you licensed?

No. Educational Therapy is currently not an insurance-covered medical expense.

If I’m in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, is Educational Therapy necessary?

Educational Therapy is first and foremost educational in nature, designed to provide the tools and techniques to be successful at learning in school and work. Although Educational Therapy draws on some aspects of Cognitive Behavior Therapy, it is not designed to treat any clinical disorders. However, Educational Therapy can be used very successfully in conjunction with it. If you or your child are seeing a therapist, I recommend you ask them to take a look at Educational Therapy to see what it involves, and whether they think it would be right for you or your child.

Where are the sessions held?

Online via zoom.

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